Add your name to the Breeders Directory

We need your name and location, along with a detailed description of which breeds you raise and sell. We also need an email address which we will use to contact you, and a contact method to be displayed in your listing (either an email address or a telephone number). If you do not want your email address to appear in your listing, do not check the box marked Display Email Address.

The Directory is updated once a week. Any time you wish to make changes to your entry, simply fill out the form below again with the word UPDATE in the description area, and re-submit it. It is important that the contact information and breeds are kept as up to date as possible.

Name   (Business name or personal name)


Location   (General location is sufficient. ex: Carlow)


Web Site URL   (Optional)

Phone   (Optional)

Email Address

 *       Display Email Address

Description *   (As much detail as possible, including which breeds you raise and sell)