Poultry Breeders who sell Wyandotte

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Armitage, Neil. UK. 2023.

Breed small quantities of Barnevelders, some wyandottes, Light Sussex and a few other oddities.

Now also Aylesbury hybrid ducks.

See the website for availability.

contact by email first please

Location: Yorkshire. UK

Location: Yorkshire. UK
Phone: 00441535654417
Website: www.cluckin.net

Campion, Donal. 2023.

Ducks(cayuga,black East indie,rouen,miniature appleyard)


Geese (steinbachers,toulouse,barnacle,grey lag,bar head,emperor,white-fronted,pink foot,cackling)

Swans (black,whooper)

Ornamental ducks(mandarins,Carolinas teals,red crested pochard,

Bahamas,pintails,wigeons,whistling ducks,European shelducks,ruddy shelducks,Australian shelducks)

Peafowl (blue,pied,white,silver pied,opal,cameo,bronze,green)

Pheasants(Amhersts,goldens,reeves,Swindoe,blue eared,brown eared,tragopans,monals,Edwards,kalij,sonnerats,red junglefowl,ghost pheasants,Japanese pheasants,grey peacocks)

Quail(californian,gambles,mountain,Bob white,Chinese painted,mountain)


Bantams (large silkie,miniature silkie,black silkie,gold silkie,rose combs,Dutch,sebrights,wyandottes)

Location: Kilkenny
Phone: 0877749277

Finn Valley Poultry. 2021.

I am hobby breeder of large Fowl Poultry

I have the following pure breeds this year

Buff Orpington

Rhode Island Red

Silver Laced Wyandotte

Cream Crested Legbar

I have hatching eggs from march till July

with chicks available from May to August

Location: Donegal
Phone: 0876776070

Gatehouse Poultry. 2023.

Sussex- light,buff,speckled

Marans - Dark Cuckoo,copper black

Rhode Island reds

Wellsummers ( partridge)

Barnevelder- Double laced ( gold )

Wyandottes- Silver laced, gold laced, silver pencilled

Plymouth rocks- Barred

Cream crested legbars


Hatching eggs also available

Domestic ducks

Khaki Campbells


Abbcot rangers

Welsh Harliquin

Location: Tyrone
Phone: 00447788562727

Hidden Heartlands Poultry. 2024

Small time hobby breeder based in Westmeath.

We don't sell any of our birds but have hatching eggs available at certain times of the year.

All birds from top UK bloodlines.


Lavender - cuckoo

Self Blue





Jubilee Orpingtons

Blue - Laced Wyandottes

Location: Westmeath
Phone: 0851895795

Jazz-a-belle Poultry. 2023

Hatching eggs, chicks and pol rare pure breed poultry from high quality/show lines

Bantam :-

Pekin ( black mottled, lavender and white )

Booted bantam ( black, porcelain, lemon millefleurs, white, buff mottled )

Silkie ( painted and blue )

Wyandotte ( blue laced, buff laced and gold laced )

Large fowl:-

Light Sussex

Speckled Sussex

Buff Orpington



Call ducks ( mixed coloured breeding group )

Farm yard ducks ( various colours )

Embden geese

Red bourbon turkeys

Hatching service

Poultry equipment and feeds, bedding etc

Location: Mayo
Website: jazzabelle-poultry.simplesite.com

Kingdom Poultry. 2023

large fowl silver laced wyandottes

Location: Kerry
Phone: 0876528706
Website: www.kingdompoultry.webs.com

Little Acre Farm. 2021

All large fowl.

Silver, Gold, Blue laced Wyandotte’s


Cream legbar

Have pullets for laying available and pure pullets and hatching eggs throughout the season.

Location: Wicklow
Phone: 086 8329034

McN Poultry. 2021

Large fowl Buff white black Orpington show standard

Sussex breeds Red light speckled

Pekins silver laced bobtail and white cuckoo

Show standard white Wyandottes

Location: Monaghan
Phone: 0838286312

Pearson. Glen. 2023

Large Wyandottes.
Silver Laced, Gold Laced, Buff Laced, Gold laced, Barred, Buff, Black, Pencilled Partridge.
Blue, Blue silver Pencilled, White, Red, Light Sussex, Buff Sussex, Speckled Sussex.
Rhode Island Red.
Buff Orpington.

Location: Kildare
Phone: 085 7121784

Robert. 2023

Description: Large fowl breeds: (2021)

Black leghorns

Exchequer leghorns

White leghorns

Blue& lavender leghorns

Black Wyandotte’s

White silkies

Red silkies

Ringneck pheasants

Guinea fowl

Poultry for sale now

Top Quality

•Black Wyandotte trio

•Black leghorn trio

•Exchequer Leghorn trio

•white leghorn pair or trio

White, black & lavender leghorn roosters also

Hatching eggs available of all the breeds we have listed can be posted!

Location: Londonderry
Phone: 07702032016

Watson. Chloe. 2022

I have the following:

Gold laced Barnevelders

Silver laced wyandottes

Buff Orpingtons

Hatching eggs available all year round

Birds available spring and autumn

Location: Tyrone
Phone: 07950444289