Poultry Breeders who sell Pheasants

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Campion, Donal. 2023.

Ducks(cayuga,black East indie,rouen,miniature appleyard)


Geese (steinbachers,toulouse,barnacle,grey lag,bar head,emperor,white-fronted,pink foot,cackling)

Swans (black,whooper)

Ornamental ducks(mandarins,Carolinas teals,red crested pochard,

Bahamas,pintails,wigeons,whistling ducks,European shelducks,ruddy shelducks,Australian shelducks)

Peafowl (blue,pied,white,silver pied,opal,cameo,bronze,green)

Pheasants(Amhersts,goldens,reeves,Swindoe,blue eared,brown eared,tragopans,monals,Edwards,kalij,sonnerats,red junglefowl,ghost pheasants,Japanese pheasants,grey peacocks)

Quail(californian,gambles,mountain,Bob white,Chinese painted,mountain)


Bantams (large silkie,miniature silkie,black silkie,gold silkie,rose combs,Dutch,sebrights,wyandottes)

Location: Kilkenny
Phone: 0877749277

Keoghan. Patrick. 2023

Ornamental pheasants and American bearded silkie.

Location: Wellington Bridge Wexford
Phone: 0872248323

Nore Valley Park Farm. 2023

We're a Pet Farm with a wide range of birds on show to our visitors.
We hatch all through the year and can hatch for people on request.
We almost always have birds for sale, esp laying hens, bantams and ducks. We also have turkeys for christmas and occasionally guinea fowl, geese, pheasants, quail and other rare breeds!
We also do educational hatching projects in schools and have a mobile farm where we bring animals to you!

Location: Kilkenny
Phone: 0857644100

Paul O Shea Game Farm. 2023

Paul O Shea Game Farm is able to supply the following breed of pheasant and partridge from eggs,day old chick's and poults for the 2023 season.

Common Ring Neck





Red leg partridge

We welcome any questions/enquiries regarding orders and requirements.

Location: Mountmellick. Co. Laois
Phone: 0863201579

Robert. 2023

Description: Large fowl breeds: (2021)

Black leghorns

Exchequer leghorns

White leghorns

Blue& lavender leghorns

Black Wyandotte’s

White silkies

Red silkies

Ringneck pheasants

Guinea fowl

Poultry for sale now

Top Quality

•Black Wyandotte trio

•Black leghorn trio

•Exchequer Leghorn trio

•white leghorn pair or trio

White, black & lavender leghorn roosters also

Hatching eggs available of all the breeds we have listed can be posted!

Location: Londonderry
Phone: 07702032016