Poultry Breeders who sell Legbar

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Burton. Paul. 2024

Breeding Rosecomb b,Oxford Game b,Belgians,Lincolnshire Buff both sizes,Gold Legbar both sizes, Rhodebar both sizes,Japanese in Grey silkie feathered only

Location: Mayo
Phone: 0861520659

Finn Valley Poultry. 2021.

I am hobby breeder of large Fowl Poultry

I have the following pure breeds this year

Buff Orpington

Rhode Island Red

Silver Laced Wyandotte

Cream Crested Legbar

I have hatching eggs from march till July

with chicks available from May to August

Location: Donegal
Phone: 0876776070

Gatehouse Poultry. 2023.

Sussex- light,buff,speckled

Marans - Dark Cuckoo,copper black

Rhode Island reds

Wellsummers ( partridge)

Barnevelder- Double laced ( gold )

Wyandottes- Silver laced, gold laced, silver pencilled

Plymouth rocks- Barred

Cream crested legbars


Hatching eggs also available

Domestic ducks

Khaki Campbells


Abbcot rangers

Welsh Harliquin

Location: Tyrone
Phone: 00447788562727

Kinghan. Chris. 2023

La Bresse Gauloise
Cream legbar
Various Hybrid coloured egg layers

As follows most 300 egg layers -Light Sussex, RIR, Amber link, Black rock, Bluebelle, Barred Rock, Skyline, White leghorn, Lavender - fertile eggs , sexed day old chicks, point of lay available

Location: Monaghan
Phone: 0851646179

Little Acre Farm. 2021

All large fowl.

Silver, Gold, Blue laced Wyandotte’s


Cream legbar

Have pullets for laying available and pure pullets and hatching eggs throughout the season.

Location: Wicklow
Phone: 086 8329034

Seanmhor Poultry. 2022.

Cream legbars

Mixed bantams

Rhode Island reds.

If you are interested in any eggs, chicks or adult birds please text only.

Text only please 0879289031

Location: Tipperary
Phone: 0879289031
Website: https://www.instagram.com/seanmhor_poultry/

Taylor, Graeme. 2023


Gold brahma

Buff Orpington

Cream legbar



Location: Leitrim
Phone: 0879623548

Whitegate Poultry. 2023

Whitegate poultry breeding list 2023




Will have stock available April/May. All top quality stock from UK/German lines.

Location: Cavan
Phone: 0871612651
Website: https://m.facebook.com/whitegatepoultry

Whyte. Stephen. 2022

Naked Necks (lf) and bantam

Scott's dumpy (white & Black)

Crested Cream Legbar

White Orpington

Plymouth Barred Rock

Olive Eggers

Sussex x silkies (makes good clockers)

Location: Armagh
Phone: 07748255250