Poultry Breeders who sell Chinese Geese

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Roland. Alison. 2023

Pure bred Friesian chicken hatching eggs and chicks for sale with some adults.
A very attractive and agile rare breed which is ideal for free ranging and can fly very well (to escape from predators).
Good egg producer; circa 230 per year.
Very strong chicks and high fertility rate of the eggs.
All eggs collected daily and individually dated.

Also Chinese Geese

Location: Castlerea, Roscommon
Phone: 0833158224

The Lane Cottage. 2023

I have fertile eggs from the following breeds

1. sablepoot bantams

2. Ayam cemani

3. Usa Silkies

4. Silver sebright bantas

5. Gold sebright bantams

6. Pekins

7. White & Brown call duck

8. Chinese geese

Location: Listowel. Co. Kerry.
Phone: 0877994226
Website: www.thelanecottagefarm.wordpress.com