Roland. Alison. 2023
Pure bred Friesian chicken hatching eggs and chicks for sale with some adults.
A very attractive and agile rare breed which is ideal for free ranging and can fly very well (to escape from predators).
Good egg producer; circa 230 per year.
Very strong chicks and high fertility rate of the eggs.
All eggs collected daily and individually dated.
Also Chinese Geese
Location: Castlerea, Roscommon
Phone: 0833158224
The Lane Cottage. 2023
I have fertile eggs from the following breeds
1. sablepoot bantams
2. Ayam cemani
3. Usa Silkies
4. Silver sebright bantas
5. Gold sebright bantams
6. Pekins
7. White & Brown call duck
8. Chinese geese
Location: Listowel. Co. Kerry.
Phone: 0877994226
Roland. Alison. 2023
Pure bred Friesian chicken hatching eggs and chicks for sale with some adults.A very attractive and agile rare breed which is ideal for free ranging and can fly very well (to escape from predators).
Good egg producer; circa 230 per year.
Very strong chicks and high fertility rate of the eggs.
All eggs collected daily and individually dated.
Also Chinese Geese
Location: Castlerea, Roscommon
Phone: 0833158224
The Lane Cottage. 2023
I have fertile eggs from the following breeds1. sablepoot bantams
2. Ayam cemani
3. Usa Silkies
4. Silver sebright bantas
5. Gold sebright bantams
6. Pekins
7. White & Brown call duck
8. Chinese geese
Location: Listowel. Co. Kerry.
Phone: 0877994226