Poultry Breeders who sell La Bresse

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Kinghan. Chris. 2023

La Bresse Gauloise
Cream legbar
Various Hybrid coloured egg layers

As follows most 300 egg layers -Light Sussex, RIR, Amber link, Black rock, Bluebelle, Barred Rock, Skyline, White leghorn, Lavender - fertile eggs , sexed day old chicks, point of lay available

Location: Monaghan
Phone: 0851646179

Saralam. Nadja. 2023

Bresse Gauloise

Hatching eggs, day-olds, and (sometimes) young adult birds available.
The flock DNA is kept fresh as I import Bresse Gauloise eggs from reputable breeders on the Continent, and my rooster changes yearly.
My focus is on quality birds of the breed with good carcass size.

Most Irish Bresse are from a very limited bloodline tracing back to a couple of birds imported a number of years ago into Cork.
My blood lines are closely managed, and I guarantee diversity, unlike the standard Irish Bresse bird.

Location: Wicklow