Joe. 2023.
Bantam Silkie
Young chicks and Hatching eggs
Gold Laced Barnevelder LF
Young chicks and Hatching Eggs
Bantam Light Sussex
Young chicks and Hatching Eggs
March - End September
Location: Athy. Kildare.
Phone: 0876766581
Pearson. Glen. 2023
Large Wyandottes.
Silver Laced, Gold Laced, Buff Laced, Gold laced, Barred, Buff, Black, Pencilled Partridge.
Blue, Blue silver Pencilled, White, Red, Light Sussex, Buff Sussex, Speckled Sussex.
Rhode Island Red.
Buff Orpington.
Location: Kildare
Phone: 085 7121784
Shanahan. Grace. 2023
We breed and sell USA Silkies.
Colours available are Black, White, Blue, Splash, Buff,Red Pyle, Paint, Chocolate and Chocolate paint.
All my parent birds come from UK and European bloodlines.
Chicks Available throughout the year.
I also have females available which are sexed through dna sexing.
Our Facebook page is Blakestown Poultry
Location: Kildare
Joe. 2023.
Bantam SilkieYoung chicks and Hatching eggs
Gold Laced Barnevelder LF
Young chicks and Hatching Eggs
Bantam Light Sussex
Young chicks and Hatching Eggs
March - End September
Location: Athy. Kildare.
Phone: 0876766581
Pearson. Glen. 2023
Large Wyandottes.Silver Laced, Gold Laced, Buff Laced, Gold laced, Barred, Buff, Black, Pencilled Partridge.
Blue, Blue silver Pencilled, White, Red, Light Sussex, Buff Sussex, Speckled Sussex.
Rhode Island Red.
Buff Orpington.
Location: Kildare
Phone: 085 7121784
Shanahan. Grace. 2023
We breed and sell USA Silkies.Colours available are Black, White, Blue, Splash, Buff,Red Pyle, Paint, Chocolate and Chocolate paint.
All my parent birds come from UK and European bloodlines.
Chicks Available throughout the year.
I also have females available which are sexed through dna sexing.
Our Facebook page is Blakestown Poultry
Location: Kildare