Robert. 2023
Description: Large fowl breeds: (2021)
Black leghorns
Exchequer leghorns
White leghorns
Blue& lavender leghorns
Black Wyandotte’s
White silkies
Red silkies
Ringneck pheasants
Guinea fowl
Poultry for sale now
Top Quality
•Black Wyandotte trio
•Black leghorn trio
•Exchequer Leghorn trio
•white leghorn pair or trio
White, black & lavender leghorn roosters also
Hatching eggs available of all the breeds we have listed can be posted!
Location: Londonderry
Phone: 07702032016
Robert. 2023
Description: Large fowl breeds: (2021)Black leghorns
Exchequer leghorns
White leghorns
Blue& lavender leghorns
Black Wyandotte’s
White silkies
Red silkies
Ringneck pheasants
Guinea fowl
Poultry for sale now
Top Quality
•Black Wyandotte trio
•Black leghorn trio
•Exchequer Leghorn trio
•white leghorn pair or trio
White, black & lavender leghorn roosters also
Hatching eggs available of all the breeds we have listed can be posted!
Location: Londonderry
Phone: 07702032016