The Country Life Forum

Discuss all aspects of country living, from farming and animal welfare, to sustainable living, organic farming, and fishing.  -  New post >>

Bit Of Tin Blew Off  Ratcatcher  

Trail Camera / Solar Camera Recommendations  Ciara Fitza  

Jagdterrier, lakeland, beagle  Carmel bird  

PB hunting dogs  Carmel bird  

Jack russell x pups  Carmel bird  

Jagdterrier x pups  Carmel bird  

Wanted: Well designed Hen Ark  dolmen  

What gear do you utilize for taking photos while enjoying outdoor walks or observing wildlife?  Chestor Benning  

Collies,cattle and sheep  billy b  

Border Collie Backsidish irritation Help appreciated.  kwackers  

Terrier type pups  paddycrawford  

New Zealand white does for sale  linmad  

Looking for advice on how to get rid of a fox  craigmartin  

Wanted:Kitten, ginger or ginger, white and black.  vmulvany  

Swallows are here.  roostercroweburn  

Poultry  Beataj508  

Growing your own.  paddycrawford  

Solar panels, wind, hydro for off grid?  Cork Wyandotte  

Greenhouse Windbreak Help, The saga continues.  kwackers  

Greenhouse or Poly tunnel  kwackers  

Tomatoes, indeterminate, determinate?  kwackers  

Shed re-roof  kwackers  

Farm Dogs Territorial?  kwackers  

New Zealand and Standard Rex rabbits Galway  Mat  

Trio of unrelated flemish giants  Virginia's fowl  

Truffle  steveo2002irl  

Mottled pekin bluelaced wyandotte khaki campbell  shcl21  

Saxony eggs wanted  Virginia's fowl  

Breeding birds this spring  polishbantams  

Budgie and cannery  Eddie 86  

Saanen puck for sale  DrBaker  

Poultry online  eire  

looking for a farm house to rent or caretake  linmad  

What to put in my new large pen  eire  

2 cast iron baths  Eddie 86  

gone to the dogs  Tadhg13  

Anyone breed angora rabbits?  DrBaker  

American chinchilla giant rabbits  rich1  

Hypoallergenic dog nuts  SF94  

Where to buy killing pigs  Thechickenman  

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